Whoa, crazy... I know this is kind of soon for me to blog again but good stories deserve knowing.
So, first thought, PS (whoa did that just confuse you cause it should, in yo' face!), go see Red it was a pretty kickass movie, something about Helen Mirren with machine guns is hilarious.
OK, so we go see the movie and we're driving out of the theater parking lot and I see something in the other lane of the road and I'm like "oh its a hat" and we get closer and no its not a hat... ok so Dan's like "maybe its a goose", we have this raging goose problems in Roch, no joke. But, alas, its no goose. Guess what it was, just guess, you're never gonna guess...
It was a football, a freaking football that had been smoked by a vehicle a few times. Right, so you can probably guess what happened... yeah... we made a u-turn and we are now the proud owners of ROAD BALL! Sounds like a bad 80's movie doesn't it? ROAD BALL, from the creators of Mad Max and Tron comes the story of vicious gang of Road Ballers...
We drive home and Dan's still cracking up about Road Ball; I feel like we should name the ball... maybe Rodger... and we pull up to a stop light and there's this person parked with the back tires on the stop line... I mean for real, THE STOP LINE IS FOR YOUR FRONT TIRES TO STOP ON... do we need to spell this out for people. So, Dan-o of course is laughing about my freaking out cause people can't stop AT THE STOP LINE, and tells me I should threaten them with the Road Ball... thus ensued my yelling like an amazon and telling Dan I was going to throw the Road Ball (from here known as Rodger) at this random car... now anyone who knows me can imagine what that would look like... Tif sitting in the driver's seat screaming like Xena and whipping a deflated football (Rodger) at a random car... ahh I amuse myself.
Also, Frank thinks Rodger is his new toy and tried to fetch it... funny, as Frank's mouth is barely big enough for a tennis ball... no worries I have pictures.
and now...
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