Funny story... my husband has a co-worker who has a cute little toddler with curly red hair. She says to her dad the other day that she wants to go deer hunting but she doesn't want to kill deer with guns, she wants to kill them with karate. Gotta love kids. <\moving on>
So... honestly... what's the point of a "reply all" button? I kind of feel like they should be outlawed. I mean how often do I really want to hear the response you have to say to everyone, more often than not you think you're being witty, but only one person in the entirety of the "reply all" thinks you're the least bit bemusing. Ok, so maybe there are rare instances in the work place when there is an actual decision to be made that needs to incorporate everyone... but then not everyone clicks the "reply all" and so they only reply back to the originator of the message and then that person has to resend the message back out to everyone with a disclaimer "blah-blah said wonk-wonk what do you think?" <\end tangent...NEXT!>
You know what's a problem is when you start a blog topic one day and come back to it a week later I have no idea what that (see above tangent) was all about... and right now I'm watching Russel Brand live in New York... I heart Russel Brand he cracks my shit up... hmm maybe I can internet stalk him and send him an invite to my blog </amused>
So I have this cake idea that I'm struggling with and all websites I've found so far have been worthless. Ok, so what I want to do is make a (Kristin if you're reading this stop here so you can be surprised later this week, I'll put a few spaces here so you don't have a spoiler Kristin...)
OK... wanna make a S'more Cake... here's my thought: White Cake, 3 layers, each layer brush with amaretto, to get a kind of nutty toasty taste, top with milk chocolate, some warm melty marshmallows, next cake layer, rpt. Top with a marshmallow fluff icing, smoosh crushed graham crackers around the outside and then toast the top of the cake with a blow torch... If this fails Dark Chocolate PB cake...
Ok, sorry random entry, this time around... very distracted by Russel Brand, he's so funny in his skinny jeans and schizophrenic hair...
See you next post!
Le MaƮtre de Poulet