I awake this morning to find that my husband is walking out the front door to go for his daily walk, a little offended that he didn't wake me up and ask me to go, then again... its a brave man who decides to wake me in the morning. Anyway, I had convinced myself that I should walk with him, (I'm supposed to be on this exercise kick and getting all healthy and what not...) so what do I do... I call him on his cell phone, how lame am I? I mean really yay technology I don't need to get out of bed and go track Dan down I can just call him on his phone from upstairs!
So, I get up and get ready to go for a walk with Dan and Mr. Frankie. I glance out the window see that its damp outside and think to myself "nice, it will be cool outside", oh Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany, in the 27 years I've lived in Minnesota have I not learned? We leash up the dog, who's beside himself with excitement at this point, and step outside... and that's when it hits me like a ton of bricks. Oh Minnesota, how do you create this awe-inspiring weather? It felt like I was walking into a grass scented hot jello mold when I stepped out the backdoor onto the deck, like I should have been able to scoop handfuls of the air up and throw them across the yard and hear them go "splat!"
However, being Minnesotans its not even a question, we walk anyway... oh how funny are we in Minnesota that even in the winter when there is a blizzard, if your car starts and you have long johns on you can still go out. I once heard someone from Alaska say that we're crazy in Minnesota and that they know better (in Alaska) than to go out when the weather is bad... not to mention our summers often get hotter than the tropical side of hell. So, anyway, Dan, Franklin, and I walk, and we're not even half a block before the dog is panting, my t-shirt is sticking to me and I feel like I'm swimming down the sidewalk as we peruse the neighborhood. We walk a mile and a quarter and come home, drenched in sweat and the dog looking all melty.
I should know better, but I'm Minnesotan, and if I appear to not have the logic in the mornings to go "hey lets go workout at the gym" when its 95% humidity outside then apparently I need a chainsaw when I go walking so I can at least cut through the air.